The Clinic needs your help!

The Clinic could not function without the help of local Health Care Providers who dedicate their time and talents.  There is still much to do.  As Pocatello continues to grow, the number of working poor grows with it.

The Pocatello Free Clinic needs the assistance of volunteer health care providers now more than ever.

Be Not Afraid

In the past, concern has been expressed regarding the legal liability of a health care provider serving in a free clinical setting.  Idaho law specifically states that providers serving in a free clinic may not be held liable for malpractice. Providers at the PFC, as well as patients, will be required, in accordance with section 39-7703 of the Volunteer Health Care Provider Immunity Act to sign a waiver acknowledging the immunity of the health care provider to suits for general malpractice.  Providers may still be held accountable for willful or gross negligence.  The PFC hopes that this legislation will open the doors for many would be volunteers.

For more information or to volunteer, please contact us:

Pocatello Free Clinic
429 Washington
Pocatello ID 83201
